Archive for May 5th, 2016

May 05 2016

Challenges facing Palestinian journalists

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

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By Daoud Kuttab

For most journalists, the challenge of doing their job usually comes from one source. However, restrictions and challenges facing Palestinian journalists are multi-levelled and much more complicated.

While most human and media rights organisations usually list governments as restricting journalists, Palestinians living in the occupied territories are restricted by both Israel and Palestine.

The major problem Palestinian journalists face with Israel is lack of recognition. Despite its claim to be the “only democracy in the Middle East”, Israel has not once recognised a single Palestinian journalist working for the Palestinian media. 

Israeli military authorities do not issue authorised press cards to Palestinians and the only press cards available come from the Israeli government press office.

The coveted Israeli government press cards have been issued to Palestinians, but only when they work for recognised international media.

One can be the best Palestinian journalist working for the Ramallah-based Al Ayyam daily, or Bethlehem Radio or Palestine TV, but Israel will not recognise him/her, while a junior journalist working for Dutch TV or a Brazilian newspaper will be recognised by Israel, which will grant a press card that allows trouble-free travel. Continue Reading »

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